Refrigerant Gas R1234yf - 1 Lt - 0.8 kg. - 1/2" valve
R1234yf refrigerant gas is used in all cases where a limited quantity of refrigerant is needed. The market in which they are most widely spread is the thermo-hydraulic sector.
Its thermodynamic characteristics make it extremely similar to R134a, both in performance, energy efficiency and operating pressures.
The product is considered mildly flammable by ASHRAE (class A2L).
Rechargeable steel cylinder (T-PED) packaged in a cardboard box.
PolarGross offers a wide range of refrigerant gases.
Product Details
- Peso Lordo
- 0.8
- Peso Netto
- 1.0
- Valve type
- Single phase
- Valve connection
- 1/4" SAE Flare / 7/16” 20-UNF
98 Items